24 November 2009

Cheer up sleepy Jean..

I started to write stuff. But I wasn't sure what to say.

I find it funny that I'm not really writing to anyone because no one reads this.

I guess it's my way of getting thoughts out of my mind.

Life's neutral. You could say I'm fairly content.

I kind of feel like I'm asleep all the time.

14 November 2009


I learned a few things lately..
People I'm around most often change me
Boys are complicated&much better at being friends
To gain a friend that is better for you, you might have to lose one too
The dorky kids in the corner are better anyways

12 November 2009


Sooo a couple years ago I used to ice skate. If I do say so myself I wasn't that bad. For some reason I just stopped because I'm irresponsible & such. I have decided to take it up again.

I'm clumsy on land but a graceful gazelle on ice.
Not really.

09 November 2009

We Are Not What You Think We Are

We Are Golden

I hate being so young..


  • Nothing to worry about really
  • No responsibility


  • No car

  • I can't leave & go somewhere whenever I want

  • Most of my friends are juniors & seniors

I cannot wait until the day I can get a license & a car & be able to go wherever I want whenever I want.

Everyone tells me that high school will be the best years of my life. I beg to differ

08 November 2009

Some Clever Title that I Can't Think of Right Now

When your prized posessions start to weigh you down look in my direction. I'll be round. I'll be round

I just got back from my second missions trip to Mexico. It was great.

This litle girl was so sweet. She had a really hard life from what I could understand her telling me. All she wanted to do was sit on my lap & hear the colors & animals in english

Literally the best soda I will ever drink.

These kids were hilarious. Oh & apparently 3 of them were my boyfriends!

I loved this little girl! She freaked out when I would blow bubbles & get all bummed when she couldn't catch them because they would pop(:

Anyways. I'm to tired to mess with the html crap. I'll post the full pictures on my facebook later. I'm tired. A shower has never ever felt so good. And escuchen means to listen, not to scoot closer.

03 November 2009


Sometimes you make mistakes.
Sometimes it sucks.

Sometimes you don't think before you do things.
Sometimes you're really stupid.

Sometimes you gain a lot of trust from someone.
Sometimes you can lose it in a matter of 2 seconds.

Sometimes you're a big jerk.
Sometimes you hurt people.

Sometimes I really need forgiveness..
"Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may recieve mercy & find grace to help us in our time of need"-Hebrews 4:16